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Joint Certificate Authentication for Issuing Electronic Tax Invoices

​Joint Certificate Authentication for Issuing Electronic Tax Invoices


[1] Eligible Person for Issuance of the Electronic Tax Invoice

All corporate entrepreneur (Starting from January, 2011.)

Sole proprietors with over 30 million won of total value of all supplies of goods and services at preceding calendar year at location of his/her place of business are subject to issue the invoices starting from July, 2014. (Starting from January 1, 2022, the Act includes Soleproprietors with 20 million won of total value of all supplies.)


[2] Electronic Tax Invoice Issuance Process

Prepare joint certificate authentication: One of authorization certificate is required among certificates for ASP, electronic tax invoice, and general business people. (Certificate for electronic tax invoice is the most frequently used.)

(In unavoidable cases, after issuing a security card at a tax office, electronic tax invoice can be issued at

Signing up: Sign up at run by the National Tax Service.

Issue electronic tax invoice by the period where it is stated in the Value-Added Tax Act and send it to the purchaser's email box.


[3] Joint Certificate Authentication Issuance Process

In case of an entrepreneur using online banking system:

1) Sign into the bank webpage

2) Click certificate center

3) Joint certificate authentication for issuing electronic tax invoice

4) Enterthe relevant information and issue the document

In case of an entrepreneur NOT using online banking system:

Fill an application form for the certificate for issuing electronic tax invoice and submit it to the main transaction bank with the following documents. Then proceed as written in an issued note by accessing the authority.

* Business license

* Representative ID

(Required documents may be different by banks. However, above two papers are generally mandatory and proxy is not allowed, in case of the sole proprietors.)

* Certified copy of corporate registration

* Certificate of registered seal and corporate seal

* Stockholder's list.

(In case of corporate entrepreneurs, proxy is allowed and other documents may be added by banks.)

* Relevant Authorities

Korea Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Institute

Korea Information Certificate Authority Inc.


Korea International Trade Association



[4] In case Internet access isn't available (for small business owners)

ARS service: upon receipt of security card at tax office, call (tel 126-1-2-3).

Proxy issuance at tax office


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