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Tax Guide for Foreign Companies

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Foreign Company Tax Guide

Establishment Procedures of Branch and Liaison Office of Foreign Corporation

Establishment Procedures of Branch and Liaison Office of Foreign Corporation


In case a non-resident foreign corporation or private enterprise wants to establish and run branch or liaison office in Korea, they should file a report according to the article 9-33 of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act.


Non-resident offices located in Korea are divided into two categories.

ü Branch

It conducts business activities in the Republic of Korea and generates revenue

ü Liaison Office

It doesn't conduct business activities in the Republic of Korea and generate revenue, but performs non-business functions, such as business contacts, market research, research and development, etc.


Filing a Report of Korean Office of Foreign Corporation









If a non-resident is installing office with one of the following purposes, he/she needs to file a report to the minister of economy and finance:

1. Capital related businesses except banking business including loan of funds, arrangement and brokerage of overseas finance, credit card business, installment financing, etc.

2. Business related to securities and insurance,

3. Other businesses that are not allowed by regulations, such as Foreign Investment Promotion Act.

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