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Gift tax in the U.S.

  • Gift tax in the U.S.
    1. Taxpayer
    In the U.S., the donor who is transferring ownership of property free of charge or at a lower price under Donation Agreement is the taxpayer of a gift tax. If a donor is an American (citizen, resident), the one is under a gift tax obligation for a worldwide bestowal.
    (1) In case a donor is the U.S. resident under a gift tax law
    Donor residence Devisee residence Property location The U.S. gift tax Korea gift tax
    The U.S The U.S The U.S Taxation Tax exemption
    The U.S The U.S Korea Taxation Taxation
    The U.S Korea The U.S Taxation Taxation
    The U.S Korea Korea Taxation Taxation
    Korea The U.S The U.S Taxation Tax exemption
    Korea The U.S Korea Taxation Taxation
    Korea Korea The U.S Taxation Taxation
    Korea Korea Korea Taxation Taxation
    * The above table assumes that there is only tangible assets in the property
    ** A 'taxation' stated in the above table includes cases where gift tax is not necessarily be paid, due to applying various deductions such as Deduction of Donation Property in Korea, and Unified Tax Credit(UTTC) in the U.S. Even if tax is levied in both countries, double taxation does not actually occur in many cases.
  • 2. Taxation structure for a gift tax
    Type Item Note
    Value of gift property
    (Gross Gifts)
    · Cash
    · Fair value of property(FMV of Property)
    Gift deliver date
    (+)(-)Spousal gift splitting (+)50% of one's spouse's third-party
    (-)50% of one's third party gift
    If gift splitting is elected,
    (-)Non-taxable item
    · Annual Exclusion* Up to $15,000
    (-)Deduction items · Charitable Gifts
    · Marital Deduction
    Full deduction
    ( Unlimited)
    Taxable Gifts Taxable Gifts for current year (A)
    (+)Taxable Gifts for prior years (B)
    = Total Taxable Gifts (C)
    (×) Unified Transfer Tax Rate(D) Total gift tax amount(C×D)
    (-)Prior year tax amount (B×D)
    Current Rate
    Total gift tax amount = Total gift tax amount for current year  
    (-)Tax exemption items (-)Unified Tax Credit (UTTC, available)
    {=(Current year UTTC-Used UTTC of prior year)}
    (-)Foreign Gift Tax Credit
    Unified Transfer Tax Credit
    Gift tax paid amount = Gift Tax Payable for current year  
    • (1) Tax exemption
      When calculating annual tax exemption amount, present interest of gift amount made to receiver for 1 year can be deductible up to $15,000 and there is no obligation to report. If gift amount exceeds the annual tax exemption limit, it should be reported, even if there is no gift to be paid.
    • (2) Spousal gift splitting
      Spousal gift splitting refers to the assumption that each spouse gives 50% of the gift that one spouse has made to a third party. When one choose spousal gift splitting, each party's annual tax exemption and UTTC can be combined and used accordingly. However, in case of spousal gift splitting, even if gift amount is less than the annual tax exemption limit, the donation itself has to be reported.
    • (3) Tax base and tax calculation
      The gift tax base is calculated by deducting annual tax exemption, spousal deduction, charitable donation deduction from the total annual gift property amount. Lifetime taxable gift amount can be calculated by adding prior accumulated taxable amount.
    • (4) Tax fee
      Column A Column B Column C Column D
      Taxable amount
      Taxable amount
      Not over
      Tax on amount
      In Column A
      Rate of Tax on excess over amount
      in Column A
      ---- $10,000 ---- 18%
      $10,000 $20,000 $1,800 20%
      $20,000 $40,000 $3,800 22%
      $40,000 $60,000 $8,200 24%
      $60,000 $80,000 $13,000 26%
      $80,000 $100,000 $18,200 28%
      $100,000 $150,000 $23,800 30%
      $150,000 $250,000 $38,800 32%
      $250,000 $500,000 $70,800 34%
      $500,000 $750,000 $155,800 37%
      $750,000 $1,000,000 $243,800 39%
      $1,000,000 ---- $345,800 40%
    • (5) Unified Tax Credit (UTTC)
      Unified Tax Credit refers to the amount that a US citizen or US taxpayer under the U.S. Gift Tax Act can deduct from a lifetime gift amount or inheritance value. Due to Tax Reform 2018, the deductible amount has risen to $11.2million from $5.49million. In case, a spouse decease before receiving all exemption amount, UTTC allows unused amount to be succeed to another spouse. Therefore, a couple can transfer property without paying any gift tax or succession tax up to $22.4million. However, the period for which the limit is increased is from Jan 1st, 2018 to Dec. 31th 2025.
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