
Whether you’re just starting out
or looking to expand,
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Ventures & Start-ups

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Venture Company

Welcome to the official website of Selim Tax-Accounting Firm!
    • To provide reliable information promptly,
      we keenly communicate with you to best serve your journey in establishing and running a successful business here in the Republic of Korea, as a reliable business partner you can count on for your venture business
      We, SELIM Tax & Accounting Firm, with expertise and a full of experience in the venture business field, offer you various services in startup-related affairs.
      Our practical end-to-end consulting will satisfy your diverse requirements necessary for venture businesses.
      Our services include:

      (1) Business consulting on your inquiries before establishing a corporation or individual company (non-incorporated);
      (2) Support for corporation registration and business license;
      (3) Support for individual business license;
      (4) Accounting & Bookkeeping;
      (5) Tax consulting;
      (6) Consulting on financial operation and banking account operation plan ranging from tax to financial stability;
      (7) Services linked to patent agency, judicial agency, financial service, etc.

      We are fully committed to serving as a bridging role to ensure the stable settlement of your business especially in the early stage.
      We have seen many venture businesses suffer from the lack of business operation experience,
      leading to setting up wrong tax and accounting policies from the beginning, which makes it very challenging to jump a leap forward to the next level.
      With the ever increasing importance of sound tax and accounting practices especially for venture businesses that are characterized by technology competitiveness,
      SELIM will provide you with dedicated and professional consulting to uncork the bottlenecks you will face in the course of opening and running a venture business.
Declaration document of laboratory attached to corporation 연구소 신고서류

Declarationdocument of laboratory attached to corporation


. Preparing document for the online

1.Declaration of laboratory attached to corporation

2.Research and development activity briefs

3.Research facility status

4.Status of manpower of research and development


Required documents


5.copy of business certification 1.

6.Company organization chart 1 and laboratory organization chart 1

7.Drawing ( entire drawing and internal drawing, signboard photo and internalphoto)


8. Attached document(relevant company)

Approveddocument for a small and medium sized businesses

-Reviewtable for the small and medium-sized company.

-Individualenterprise:  value added tax filingreport.

-Smalland medium sized company certification

-Breakdownof security and maintenance expense



  • Submitting documents(relevant company)

    -Approved document for a small andmedium sized company (only for a small and medium sized company)

    -Certificate of research start upsmall and medium sized company

    -Copy of venture company


    Keeping document


    9. Keeping document

    - Document for the establishingdeclaration / recently changed declaration.

    -Building and other structuremanagement list or rental contract

    -Business certification

    10. Researcher's diploma orcertification

    11. Researcher's personnelappointments



Prev (3) Establishing procedure for the research, laboratory and research related department
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